#3 The Global Ministry of Network211
OCTOBER 13, 2017
The vision of Network211 is to proclaim Christ to all people, build a global community of believers, and work with our partners in ministry. Our mission is to use twenty-first century technology to communicate the first century gospel by helping people discover and grow in their journey with God. Our core strategy involves “The Journey”: Search, Present, Connect, Grow, and Belong.
In our lecture series, “Network211: A Prototype of Twenty-first Century Global Evangelism and Discipleship,” we have examined the theological values and the missiological strategies of Network211. We must consider what the ministry will be in the immediate future. Since the beginning of the 20th century, “world systems” changed as did its corollary in World Missions forces. Imperialism and Missionary Dominated ministry led to Nationalism and Indigenous Principles. Then, this led to Internationalism and Cooperative Multinationalism. While the world systems changed, the forces in World Missions expanded like concentric circles. The intent in Cooperative Multinationalism was that Assemblies of God churches worldwide would work in cooperation to fulfill the Great Commission and include targeted “people groups.” Eventually, this led to targeting “unreached people groups” but with less emphasis on cooperative multinationalism as the American church led the way.
This should lead us to ask a critical question: “What will be the next world system and the corollary in world missions?” I submit to you that the next world system is “Globalism” and the next force in World Missions is “Global Individuality.” While many believers see the coming of a global world with a one-world government, an initial step that prepares the way is individuals around the globe using technology as active global citizens. Network211 is on the forefront of this next chapter of world and World Missions history.
Proclaim Christ to All People: Individuals
The first component of the Network211 vision is to “proclaim Christ to all people.” Network211 uses twenty-first century technology to communicate the first century gospel. An axiom of communication is that you must know your audience—their identity, their means of interaction within their communities and without, and their values. As stated in previous lectures, we must understand where they are so that we can take them where they need to be in Christ.
As technology develops, the Internet is becoming the centerpiece in the daily lives of people around the world. Imagine going through today without Internet access, without using your computer or handheld device, and without your cell phone. How would you feel and how productive would you be? What if businesses were forced to operate without technology? Your experiences in the grocery store, at your bank, and at the airport would be vastly different—
frustratingly and painstakingly different.
We will begin by attempting to understand why individuals around the world use the Internet every day. People use the Internet for their own purposes: business, news, entertainment, and social networking, but they also use it to discover answers to life’s troubling issues. The issues range from the practical, like how to I change a light bulb, to the profound, such as how to discover true meaning in life. Some individuals use the Internet for personal improvement such as how to learn to play a musical instrument or to learn another language while others will feed the desires of their flesh, which will lead to their spiritual demise.
For many people, their activity in the cyber world is so involved and captures so much of their time and attention that their virtual presence IS their reality. The stereotype for younger people is that they spend multiple hours each day playing video games. Other individuals actively engage on social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. I found it interesting that Facebook once suggested an online article revealing seven actions that make people productive and one of the items listed was to stay off Facebook.
The time has arrived for us to recognize that “Internet Users” is indeed a people group and that, as believers who seek to fulfill the Great Commission, we have an open door and immediate access into the hearts and lives of individuals around the world. With 50 percent of the world’s population using the Internet, we have an unprecedented opportunity to impact people instantly as they reach out to find someone with whom they can interact on a variety of levels. This is the “commonality” that we discovered in our examination of missiological strategies. This touches on why people use the Internet.
I submit you to that members of the people group I am calling, “Internet Users” have developed a new mindset, a new manner of looking at themselves and how they fit into society. I call this new identity “Global Individuality.” While individuals participating in the “Internet Users” community will not recognize this label, once they learn of it, they have to admit that it applies to them on some level.
I would describe Global Individuality as the mindset that “I am in control of my life.” I can do anything, with anyone, and be anyone I want to be in a virtual “on demand” world. I am not limited by geography, nationality, religion, economic status, culture, gender, or language. I can create my identity, develop my persona, and promote my personal brand. I am looking for online communities to join so that I can grow in my areas of interest, interact with like-minded people, and have a sense of belonging.[1]
I used the word “global” because the Internet User is not limited by location. Online, you are in the cyber world and can communicate with anyone on the globe. You can play video games with someone in Russia. You can “FaceTime” family in Argentina. You can watch a video placed on Facebook by the missionary you support who is in a “sensitive nation.” I have seen a husband so overwhelmed and frustrated by the choices while standing in front of a long grocery store aisle filled with cereals that he video Skyped his wife for help.
You can receive emails from friends in Japan just as easily as you can from your friends in Florida. You can order online from China, South Africa, or Los Angeles. You can watch videos of church services from the International English Service in Jakarta, Indonesia or from James River in Ozark, Missouri. You can follow your favorite sports team be they a professional football team in the USA or a professional soccer club in the English Premier League. The world is just a click away. Access to everyone, everywhere is as easy as using your handheld device. In the real world, people face the limitation of time, space, and finances, but in the virtual world, we are global citizens interacting with others in our “Internet Users” people group.
I use the word “Individuality” because it emphasizes the individual, the person. To me, “individualism” implies that I can stand out among others; be unique in the context of my group. “Individuality” means that I can be whomever I want regardless of my context. In fact, I choose the contexts where I want to be. No longer am I limited by the realities of my actual life, such as nationality, language, social status, or economic status. If I choose, I can present my identity online in one community as vastly altered from my identity in a different community.
People are using the Internet to discover answers to their life questions. An example of this is found in the Muslim world were individuals go online to learn about Jesus. In the book, Living among the Breakage, Duane Alexander Miller shared a quote from a respondent to a survey about how Muslims are coming to Christ:
In a closed society, there is a limited amount of information that Muslims could get access to about Christians and rumors and pseudo facts about Christianity were (and still are) widely held (Bible has been changed, Christians worship 3 Gods). However, from the privacy of one’s home or from the ease of a local internet café Muslims can search and try to find out for themselves whether it is true or not. Also, they can ask Google and not have to face the shame of asking a friend about their quest for truth.[2]
This is an example of the “Global Individuality” mindset in action and it is active in the “Internet Users” people group in virtually every country and territory in the world. The Internet empowers people with the opportunity to question, dream, search, research, and go beyond their physical, social, and religious limitations. This presents the Church with an unprecedented open door into the hearts and minds of people who are searching. We must maximize this opportunity by engaging them where they are, journeying with them, and taking them to where they need to be in Christ.
The target audience for Network211 is the individual. “Global Individuality” brings people to the Internet marketplace so that they can seek answers and exchange ideas. Network211 is there with them, ready to engage them about the love of Jesus Christ and to join them in their spiritual journey. Over 30 million people from 244 countries and territories have visited one of our websites. This means that over 30 million individuals were seeking and found us. We did not broadcast our evangelism content like the Super Bowl so millions of people could watch it simultaneously. Instead, one by one, we answer people who are searching, seeking, and visiting one of our sites.
Our focus is the individual. Some ministries create materials to equip others to teach. Other ministries do the training of people to minister to a target audience. Network211 leverages technology to get the message of Jesus Christ in front of individuals worldwide via their computers and handheld devices. Arguably, this is the most cost effective missions endeavor ever.
The mindset of “Global Individuality” within the “Internet Users” people group creates an unprecedented opportunity to present the Good News to individuals on a global scale. The most frequent entry point into “The Journey” with Network211 is when individuals Google matters pertaining to their heart—common life issues in most cultures. They go online seeking answers for the dilemmas of life. Network211 offers two main evangelism sites that address the issues commonly searched: www.JourneyAnswers.com and www.WhoJesusIs.com.
JourneyAnswers.com presents thirteen life issues that are relevant in most cultures: anxiety, brokenness, confusion, death, depression, emptiness, fear, guilt, hopelessness, illness, love, and shame. Individuals use a search engine, like Google, and type their life issue. Network211 buys advertising words, which plays a major role in our website addresses moving closer to page one on the search engine. The seeker finds our site and makes a visit by viewing our content.
A video will begin that states the life issue and reveals that Jesus Christ is the answer to the problem. We invite the viewer to pray a salvation prayer and to indicate their response by clicking a response button and writing to us. When the person clicks a button, we call that an “evangelism response” because it is a response to the evangelism presentation. When viewers write, we call that a “discipleship connection” and we then call them an “Inquirer.”
The website has an anchor article plus supplemental video testimonies, articles, and Bible verses. Also, it offers a “free gift,” which is a series of lessons the viewer can receive that addresses the topic at hand. We have discovered that this feature is very popular, as people desire more content and having it “pushed” to them via email.
Network211 started Project 10Million and launched it officially on October 15, 2008. The goal was to make 10 million gospel presentations or visits in ten years. As the team was comprised of missionaries who were learning the Internet, we really did not know how long it would take to fulfill this ambitious goal. Yet, we prayed and asked the Lord to complete it in ten years—one million visits a year for ten years. We praise the Lord that Project 10Million was completed in five years on October 14, 2013.
Project 10Million then became Project 100Million. We praise the Lord that as we approach the ninth anniversary of the launch of Project 10Million, we have seen over 30.1 million visitors from 244 countries and territories, over 1.4 million evangelism responses, and over 260,000 discipleship connections. Again, these are individuals who are seeking and finding Christ as their answer.
At the Network211 Board of Directors meeting in September 2017, it was reported that of the 29 million visitors, at that time, 6.2 million were from Eurasia, 5.2 million from Latin America and Caribbean, 5.2 million from Asia Pacific, 4.4 million from Northern Asia, 4.1 million from Africa, 2.6 million from North America, and almost one million from Europe. Other reports for that meeting included:
· In the “Arabic Speaking Nations” list, we reported 1,835,610 visitors, with 61,890 making an evangelism response, and 8,629 writing to begin a discipleship connection.
· In “Nations with Least Number of Christians” we reported 1,250,156 visitors, with 64,991 making an evangelism response, and 8,936 writing to begin a discipleship connection.
· In “Top Ten Most Dangerous Countries for Christians” we reported 654,745 visitors, with 21,876 making an evangelism response, and 2,448 writing to begin a discipleship connection.
Individuals from around the world write us and make a “connection.” Within 48-hours, response teams, called “1-2-1 Connectors,” contact the person with a biblical answer to their request. We have learned that many Inquirers are surprised when a real person responds and provides a caring personal remark and a scriptural answer. Our Connectors lead the Inquirers to our online discipleship pathway called “The Jesus Path” and to our online discipleship content, which we call Global Christian Center (GCC) and will soon transition to “JourneyOnline.” It will feature content to help Inquirers apply God’s truth to their daily lives.
In a “Global Individuality” mindset, Inquirers will write and be very open in revealing their life issues, often in detail. Surprisingly, people often share freely with people they do not even know. In fact, one woman wrote, “Because I don’t know you, I feel that I can trust you.” Here are some examples of what people write to us:
· “I have never been truly loved and feel that God has never loved me either! I have been used, abused, beaten, raped and discarded by most the people in my life! Those that didn’t treat me like this, and made me feel the love of family and friendship, have left me in passing away or finding true love of their own! I am empty and alone and feel worthless!” (Woman, USA).
· “I was struggle with a past abortion, because this child was not needed by anyone, I do not need anyone myself, and now I think how much he was already, how old he would be, would have become my support, and I’m a murderer, it was a boy, I know. There’s nobody to talk to, the children do not listen, To provide them for nothing, at work I have no friends with anyone, I do not know why, everyone shuns, the boss offends. And God is silent. I have no way out. I’m going to sleep and ask God for a quick death, I’m tired of enduring, everything hurts” (Woman, Ukraine).
· “My dad is a muslem and my mum a Christian. My dad is not taken care of me because am a Christian. What should i do” (Woman, Ghana).
Also, they will tell us about their victories. Here are some examples:
· “I am trying to find God, but I don’t know where to start searching, my love told me to type into google ‘who is jesus’ and pick the first site that grabbed me, it was this one. I don’t yet believe, I don’t know how, but I want to” (Man, United Kingdom).
· “I found this page open on my cell phone, just after my young son was playing with my phone. I have taken this as a revelation that it is time to give my life to God and it is He who guides my steps. Thank you very much” (Woman, Panama).
Years ago, a young lady from New Zealand was at the point of suicide and Googled her life issue. She found Journey Answers, viewed the content, clicked a button, and wrote to us. She interacted with the same 1-2-1 Connector for over three years. She told her story of neglect, sexual abuse, and her regular cutting of herself “because it made me feel alive.” It was due to the interaction with the 1-2-1 Connector that she gave her heart to Jesus. She wrote that our ministry saved her life and taught her to walk in her new Christian faith. She enrolled in a Bible college with a double major and started a ministry to the deaf in her church. A simple Google search led her to Jesus, to a community of faith, and to a new life in Christ.
This testimony shows the subsequent steps that we take with our Inquirers. We will lead them to “Grow” with our online discipleship content that we will call “JourneyOnline,” direct them to “Belong,” and we lead them to a local church in their village, town, or city. The phase we use to help people discover and grow in their journey with God is that we move people from “searches to churches.” We praise the Lord that over 19.5 million individuals have viewed Journey Answers in fourteen languages.
The second major Network211 evangelism resource is called “Who Jesus Is.” Like Journey Answers, this site offers a video and an article. Over 6.8 million individuals have viewed this site in ten languages. It provides biblical answers to the question, “Who is Jesus?” and has proven to be effective. Our plan is to increase content on this site so viewers can gain an even greater understanding of who Jesus is.
Proclaim Christ to All People: Groups
As the goal of presenting Journey Answers and Who Jesus Is in the top ten languages of the Internet was nearing completion, we considered how we could use this evangelism template in more focused approach. We discovered that we could target specific groups by making the content unique to them, interact with them, and direct them to an appropriate ministry partner, be it a church or a faith-based organization.
Here are some examples of how we can proclaim Christ to all people by being group specific:
· Family-Relationships.com is built on Dr. Wayde Goodall’s book, “Marriage and Family.” People want to learn how to navigate relationships and how to have a healthy family. Individuals from 228 countries and territories have viewed this site.
· MuslimsAsk.com was produced in cooperation with Global Initiative: Reaching Muslim Peoples, an AGWM International Ministry. It offers five topics: Freedom from Evil Spirits, Finding Love, The Name of Jesus, Marriage and Family, and Fate. Individuals from 153 countries and territories have viewed this site.
· The Warrior’s Journey, a ministry to the military community, has been viewed by individuals from 174 countries and territories. The Warrior’s Journey (www.TheWarriorsJourney.org) is the Network211 flagship site for targeting specific groups. It is an online community for our military designed as a resource to help warriors and their families discover and grow in their journey with God and find wholeness in life. Key components in this online community include:
· As www.JourneyAnswers.com addresses thirteen life issues, The Warrior’s Journey “Challenges” address twelve issues specific to warriors.
· It addresses “Ethos” issues, which reveals how God will equip warriors and their families to live ten key guiding beliefs or principles that are essential to military life.
· As the core strategy, The Warriors Journey offers Connector teams who are comprised of believers who have either served in the military or who are currently in the military. This includes chaplains in the various military branches.
· It offers a wealth of content to help the warriors and their families understand how God will help them navigate life. It includes daily devotionals, videos, and written content.
· As the core strategy leads individuals to local churches, The Warriors Journey leads those in the military community to chaplains, churches, and to our faith-based organizational partners. Our partners are a vital component for two reasons: (1) they provide us with credibility and trust, (2) when viewers to our site present specific needs, such as dealing with PTSD, we can direct them to the appropriate faith-based partner to continue the journey with them.
Here is a testimony of a life that was saved by the Lord through the ministry of “The Warrior’s Journey”:
“I’m a Vietnam veteran who served two combat tours with the U.S. Army. The first in 1967-68 and then in 1971-72. When I got home from my second tour, my wife told me that I needed help and that I was really a messed-up guy. I was angry at her for thinking that and I told her I was just fine. Several times she tried to get me connected to VA counselors to help me but I never went to talk to everyone. I really thought I was just fine.
Now, after 47 years of marriage she left me and said until I get help she can no longer deal with me. My children will not speak with me and now my wife is gone. I think I’m messed-up! I Googled messed up veteran and found your website, The Warrior’s Journey. I don’t know you, but it seems from your website you know me and know how I might be able to get some help for my issues. I would really like to talk to someone who has gone through what I have gone through and can help me.”
Within ten minutes of receiving this veteran’s comment, we connected him with a 1-2-1 Connector who was a Vietnam veteran himself and who had experienced the love of Christ to help him overcome the loss of his arm in combat in 1968. During their interaction, the man who wrote us gave his heart to Christ. Then, we directed him to a faith-based organization that works specifically with Vietnam veterans.
A goal for Network211 is to produce more group specific online resources that replicate The Warrior’s Journey model. Examples of proclaiming Christ to all people in targeted communities include youth, university students, seniors, those dealing with addictions and each of the world’s major religions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam.
Build a Global Community of Believers
The second component of the Network211 vision is to “build a community of believers.”
The “Internet Users” people group thrives because it allows specific communities to form and enables individuals to join for their personal reasons. Network211’s “Journey: Grow” directs Inquirers to Global Christian Center, our online church. As previously mentioned, soon this will be called “Journey Online” and be presented as a community of Faith for the English language. It will focus on how believers can apply God’s Word to daily life. It will feature our evangelism sites as an entry point and move the viewer seamlessly into discipleship content. The features include:
· The Jesus Path. As mentioned in previous lectures, this is a distinctive Bible-based pathway designed to help believers develop their relationship with Jesus Christ. The four steps are: Jesus is the Answer, Walk with Jesus, Grow with Jesus, and Serve Jesus.
· Christian Living. Over 6,000 articles are available dealing with common issues faced by all believers and is presented in the following categories: men, women, marriage, family, singles, seniors, students, and kids.
· Family. Our site, www.Family-Relationships.com, provides biblical answers to people seeking help with personal relationships and with personal family issues that are relevant in most cultures.
· Resources. We offer content to enrich the lives of believers as they learn about God’s Word and reach out in ministry to other people. Categories include Life Resources, Ministry Resources, Media, and Mission Resources. The sub-categories for Ministry Resources include Bible and Theology, Holy Spirit Studies, Sermons, and Worship Resources.
The goal is to offer Journey Online in the top ten languages of the Internet. This would form communities of faith in these languages and create opportunities to deal with the unique issues faced by people in these areas of the world. Presently, Network211 has language directors for five of the top ten languages of the Internet and they are working diligently towards this endeavor.
Global Friend Link (www.GlobalFriendLink.com) is another community for believers to share what Christ has done in their lives. It is like an online life group or home group but in a social network format. Believers from around the world can share their testimonies, post prayer requests, and extend encouragement through posting videos. GFL offers open groups for Bible studies and discipleship as well as invitation-only groups for those who want to invite specific individuals. Group specific communities, such as the Warrior’s Journey, appreciate GFL for the privacy it allows and for its ability to address issues related specifically to the military community.
As we proclaim Christ to all people in groups or specific audiences, such as The Warrior’s Journey, this will form communities for believers. A goal for Network211 is to develop many communities that address a variety of interests and attract like-minded people so that we can bring more people to Christ and journey with them to grow in their relationship with Him.
Work with Our Partners in Ministry
The third component of the Network211 vision is to “work with our partners in ministry.” Dr. George Flattery’s “Cooperative Multinationalism” paper, specifically the third theme, “cooperation in ministry,” provides the background. Another resource for this topic is chapter twelve, “How to Serve,” in Dr. Flattery’s book, The Leadership Paradox: Becoming Great through Service.[3]
If we want to fulfill the Great Commission effectively, we must synergize our efforts with our ministry partners. The task is too overwhelming, the cost is too great, and our abilities are too limited to accomplish our mission alone. There are two mission mindsets that we must put aside if we are to win the battle at hand. The two mindsets are “boots on the ground” and the American church engaging world evangelism alone.
First, “boots on the ground” is the mindset that evangelism and discipleship is accomplished only as Americans have missionaries in the fields of service. The fact is that “boots on the ground” alone was never an effective strategy for many reasons. This topic was addressed in Dr. Flattery’s paper, which was mentioned in the second lecture. We must engage our spiritual enemies with the weapons of our day. Missionaries in the fields of service are needed and vital; in fact, we need even more of them! However, an entity that desires a global footprint must have a presence on the Internet. The combination of all mediums of communications combined with personnel on the field and relationships with other ministries and faith-based organizations will produce an effective and winning battle plan.
Second, we must work in partnership with Assemblies of God churches in the nations of the world so as to maximize our God-given resources for His glory. Some AG churches will bring financial resources, others will bring personnel, especially in locations where first-world missionaries cannot enter, and others will provide the spiritual resources, such as intercessory prayer. Some people will evangelize, others will disciple, and yet others will train ministers for service, all in the model of co-workers mentioned in 1 Corinthians 3:6-11.
Working with our partners in ministry is so engrained in the vision of Network211 that it provides the very reason for having the word “Network” in our name. Here are some examples of those with whom we partner in ministry:
1. Assemblies of God Churches
a. We partner with Assemblies of God churches in the nations of the world. Network211’s Content Syndication allows a local AG church to embed our evangelism and discipleship content into their site so that they can use the Internet as a tool for sharing the gospel.
b. Network211 can geo-target Google advertising so that a local church can use its advertising funds for a Targeted Evangelism Campaign (TEC).
2. Believers and Assemblies of God churches worldwide
a. Many of our 1-2-1 Connectors who follow up with Inquirers are Christians who live outside the United States. Since the Internet is no respecter of location, believers can be active in ministry with Network211 wherever they live.
b. We have partnerships with churches, such as the Assemblies of God in India. An Inquirer from India will receive a response from a Network211 1-2-1 Connector team in India and receive a visit from an AG Indian pastor, and be invited to an AG church.
c. Network211 has a Global Vision Board with members who are leaders in Assemblies of God churches around the world.
3. Missionaries and Assemblies of God World Missions (AGWM)
a. We are blessed to work with our AGWM colleagues and worldwide network. Many missionaries are 1-2-1 Connectors as well as serving as “Head Coaches.” Our AGWM contacts have opened doors of relationship with AG churches worldwide.
b. Network211 is an International Ministries ministry in AGWM and has networked with other ministries such as Global University, Life Publishers, Global Initiative, and Jacobs Hope.
c. Network211 is comprised of AGWM missionaries who raise their support and serve the ministry. This brings missionaries who have overseas experience and expertise to the ministry and avoids Network211 having to hire those with such qualifications.
d. The AGWM Executive Committee is on the Network211 Board of Directors.
4. Assemblies of God USA. We are blessed to receive prayer and financial support from ministry partners in the AG USA.
a. Partners from the AG National Leadership Resource Center include Light for the Lost (LFTL), Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge (BGMC), and Speed the Light (STL).
b. Other AG USA partners include District Councils, District Networks, AG churches, and individuals who attend AG churches. The prayer and financial support from these groups provides the backbone of Network211.
5. Organizations. We are blessed to partner with faith-based organizations and ministries.
a. We are in partnership with churches from other denominations.
b. The Warrior’s Journey has opened doors of partnership with faith-based organizations to provide mutual credibility to the online resource and to serve as specific ministries where we can direct the warriors and their families to meet their particular needs.
c. Network211 has The President’s Commission, a board of business people, and The Warrior’s Journey Advisory Board, which is comprised of retired military personnel who continue to be leaders and people of influence.
Concluding Remarks
The global ministry of Network211 addresses the “Internet Users” people group by proclaiming Christ to all people, building a community of believers, and working with our partners in ministry. It has been the leading of the Lord, the power of the Holy Spirit, and so many people who have come together for the sake of the gospel that Network211 has been able to present the gospel to over 30 million people in 244 countries and territories and seen over 1.4 million people make an evangelism response.
I advocate that the Assemblies of God must recognize “Globalism” as a world system and strategically seek to impact “Global Individuality” as a force in World Missions. With over 3.8 billion people as “Internet Users,” and this number is growing daily, we must purpose to venture into this new frontier, join them on their life journey, and leverage technology to share with them the love of Christ. Should we ignore or neglect this opportunity, we risk becoming irrelevant in their reality.
We must update our World Missions strategies and philosophies to reach the world in which we live. The mindset of taking the gospel to “the corners of the earth” must be contextualized to this century as we seek to proclaim the Good News to the real and virtual worlds—the worlds in which everyone, everywhere lives. I pray that we will accept this challenge for God’s glory.
[1] Seth Godin’s book, Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us (New York, NY: Penguin Books, 2008), provides insight as to the importance of communities in society today.
[2] Duane Alexander Miller, Living among the Breakage: Contextual Theology-Making and Ex-Muslim Christians (Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2016), Location 2495 of 6506. Kindle.
[3] George M. Flattery, The Leadership Paradox: Becoming Great Through Service (Springfield, MO: Network211, 2016).
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