#7 You Must Move Forward with God-Given Confidence
Seven Actions to Defeat Your Giant #7 Move Forward with God-Given Confidence (I Samuel 17:55-58) I hope that you are enjoying our study! Here are "Seven Actions to Defeat Your Giant" from the battle of David versus Goliath as recorded in I Samuel 17: 1. To prepare for the battle, you must look at your giant from God's perspective (v. 26). 2. To prepare for the battle, you must remember the victories from your past (v. 33-37). 3. To prepare for the battle, you must put on the armor of God (v. 38-40). 4. As you fight your battle, you must declare, "The battle is the Lord's" (v. 41-37). 5. As you fight your battle, you must do what you know to do (v. 48-50). 6. As you fight your battle, you must complete the task (v. 51-54). 7. Move forward in God-given confidence (v. 55-58). Today, we will consider the ...